It's Like Living In A Movie

It's Like Living In A Movie
Mountain Magic

Sunday, October 23, 2011


With all the writing that I do for work - well, it's not really work when you love what you do and I'm now getting paid to do what I have been doing ever since I was a young girl - anyway, I have been getting a lot of complimentary feedback on my style of writing, my humor, and that I write in "pictures" so that people can SEE what I am saying. Since I'm a BIG movie maiden, I enjoy creating 'movies' for people to read, which seems to be what is enjoyed. When people come to my mountaintop resort town for the past year, since I moved here and accepted this fun job, passersby will hear someone mention my name - the next thing I know, they will turn to me and ask if I am Deborah Kay Neumann (the cowboy hat is a certain give-away). "Why, yes I am," I smile and reply. Their faces light up and words tumble forth on how much they enjoy my columns, that I make them laugh, and they are glad I came to work for this newspaper - hope that I will stay.

I'm HOME - not going anywhere.

So as I sat here in the before-sunrise peace and quiet of this particular day, it came to me that perhaps I should broaden my viewing arena. As it is, my writing reaches out to viewers in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado - possibly more that I don't know about - because I am a Reporter & Columnist for the RED RIVER MINER.  
( a great mountain newspaper that was created solely for the purpose of promotion, glad tidings, fun, and current events. If you choose to read about murder and mayhem, well, there are plenty of newspapers out there to satisfy your appetite... on any street corner. Although, should you choose to read about the incredible things that people are doing out there in the world and turn your heart and mind away from all that are other peoples' opinions on what is wrong out there - who knows - you may have a change of heart - a step up, so-to-speak, to a place that makes you feel better about Life. And who knows, once YOU feel better, those around you may change and you find yourself standing amidst happier people.
The ripple effect from that is - well, use your imagination...

So here I am creating my very first Blog. Not quite sure what it is that I will put out there for you, but it should be interesting to see what develops. Later on, I will give you a bit of info on myself, but for now I'm just simply saying "Good Morning" and I trust you will have a Lovely Day!

Deborah Kay

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